

Swimming becomes a particular sport of lifeguard training, because it can be practiced throughout life, using different approaches and becoming a specialist in all styles of swimming .

When we talk about swimming , we are referring to a sport that can be practiced by babies from a few months of age to people of 70 or 80 years of age.

“The ability that allows the human being to move in the water , thanks to the propulsive action carried out by the rhythmic, repetitive and coordinated movements of the upper, lower limbs and the body, and that will allow him to stay on the surface and overcome the resistance that offers the water to move in it”.

The practice of a sport like swimming is based especially on technique and secondarily on speed and resistance training. This situation is due to the fact that, unlike other sports, the human organism was not designed to swim, since this action involves movements that are not natural and not very intuitive.


Swimming is a sport that takes into account other special requirements of people like no other discipline does. Such is the case of asthmatics, epileptics, pregnant women and all those who suffer any kind of physical or mental decline, who are favored with this ability.

One of the goals of swimming  is the utilitarian approach. This is the one that will cover the basic needs of the human being, such as preserving life.

But, you also have to take into account the objectives that are sought with the swimming experience . These objectives can change from different ideas of approaches. Another objective is an educational approach. It is the one that will consent, apart from the learning of swimming, to contribute to the complete formation of the person from the motor, cognitive and affective perspective.


Swimming , contrary to what some people think, can be done in many different ways as well as accommodate the particular needs of each individual.

There are currently various activities directed by professionals other than traditional learning courses, which supports the aforementioned. We see courses for pregnant women, the elderly, babies, among others.

In addition, a study of swimming  with universal lifeguard certificate is one of the best exercises to get fit . Let's see some of the benefits of swimming are as follows:

  • Stimulates blood circulation.
  • Contributes surprising cardiopulmonary firmness.
  • Reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps maintain a steady blood pressure.
  • It develops more than two thirds of the muscles in our body.
  • The posture of the body thrives.
  • Calms tensions.
  • Fortifies the tissues of the joints avoiding possible injuries.
  • Create positive moods.
  • Helps growth and physical-psychological progress.
  • Psychomotor development thrives.

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