
10 benefits of swimming

It delays aging, improves memory, combats stress, reduces lower back pain and benefits lung capacity, among other things. With 30 minutes three times a week it is enough to see the changes. Swimming with lifeguard training is the best way to maintain our health.

People who swim at noon tell us that after swimming they have enough light lunch to continue working in the afternoon. For others, the ideal time is after work and before going home, since if they enter your home, it is very difficult for them to leave again. This allows them to come home in a good mood, without the worries of work.

10 reasons

* Delays aging . 

It is considered that 50% of the functional losses associated with aging depend on the poor use of body systems. For this reason, the regular practice of swimming keeps the organs functionally in good condition.

*Improves memory. 

This is due to the breathing exercises that are put into practice when swimming, which oxygenate the brain in a better way. In addition, motor coordination makes our brain have to create new neural ties . Let's not forget that swimming requires greater concentration and coordination. 

* Benefits lung capacity.

 Being an aerobic exercise, it helps the lungs make more efficient use of oxygen. This type of activity works large muscle groups and raises your heart rate, which helps your lungs work less. Swimming causes your heart rate to slow down and your blood pressure to improve. 

* Increases flexibility. 

The results of a recently released 12-year study indicate that strengthening the lower back leads to an end to lower back pain in 80% of cases.

*To be in shape.

  The exact number of energy consumed depends on the body and the intensity with which you exercise. But doing at least an hour of swimming can burn up to 600 calories.

*Increases muscle mass and tones.

 Have you ever seen a limp dolphin or weak-looking competitive swimmer? We don't think so. That's because swimming is a great way to increase muscle strength and tone, especially when compared to other aerobic exercises.

Every kick and every stroke becomes a resistance exercise in itself, which is the best way to build tone and strength. With swimming the muscles work five to six times more than with any other type of physical activity.

* Reduces the risk of heart disease. 

 Because swimming is an aerobic exercise, it helps support cardiovascular health in several facets, including lowering "bad" or LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, raising "good" or HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol ) and lower blood pressure. When regular exercise is added to this, the benefits are greatly maximized.

*Greater body flexibility . 

Swimming not only builds stronger muscles, but also improves the strength of connective tissues (eg ligaments and tendons) increasing joint stability. In addition, by exercising your joints, you increase your body's flexibility, strength, and range of motion.

* Promotes circulation.

  The horizontal posture that we use when swimming benefits blood circulation and is also very helpful for people with blood pressure problems by facilitating venous return from the extremities to the heart. 

* Fight stress .

 A study conducted at  University has shown that 10 weeks of strength training reduces symptoms of clinical depression. The women who trained of universal lifeguard certificate their strength during the study reported that they felt more confident and "capable."  

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